Chakras & Subtle Energy
We have both a physical body and a subtle body. The physical is the body which first comes to mind when we talk about the body. This is our sixe and shape, the 'skin' which we walk around in.
Although the subtle body is less visible, it is no less crucial! It radiates the vibration of our wider life experience. Energy and light workers interpret the subtle body every day. They read a person’s energy field, decoding the body's subtler messages, noticing where energy is blocked or low, then translating what type of energy might be needed to achieve balance. Balancing and restoring your energy might include the use of colours, imagery, sound and aromatherapy, crystals, symbols, mantras and visualistions.
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit for “wheel” or “disc”. In Indian, Buddhist, and Taoist cultures, chakras hold the energetic balance of physical and spiritual life. Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy- which rotate within and around us. Our chakras interact with the wider world around us, simultaneously bringing in, and discharging energy.
The dominant chakra model categorises each of us according to nine main chakra types on the basis of the unique numerology of our date of birth. A detailed report can offer many insights into your personal themes and variations. By understanding the characteristics of our specific dominant chakras, we expand our self-awareness and can focus on building on our existing strengths whilst having patience with those areas which need further work to achieve overall balance. When we have a better understanding of our own dominant energies, we are able to approach others with the same sense of patience and inquisitiveness, supporting one another to become the best version of our collective selves!
Visit the shop to buy your True Colour Report today or contact me on 07813 396659 to find out more